Sunday 7 October 2012

Nak mengarot sat

The story of my life is begin with them. i mean, the roots .. yeahh the roots is from them.. tonight.. i'm gonna write about .. no one would ever know the true meaning.. it might be meaningless to others but to me.. it means life.. it's aaalll begin last year.. the day that i meet them.. meet them, i felt soooo bless ! they're just like my life-saver.. i really love them.. love them love them love them.. hey it's maghrib now.. gonna continue later..

Saturday 6 October 2012

One Direction ?

post kedua pada hari yang sama.. haha, tak kesah lah ken.. aku ni newbie.. mana pandai guna blog sangat (alasan)..

One Direction .. apahal dengan One Direction ? kawan2 aku cakap.. budak2 gedik je minat dorang ni.. hurmm.. ye ke ? tapi aku minat gak.. aku minat dorang since 19.11.12 (waaahhh igt tu tarikh :p).. tak kesah lah ken kalau sesape nak benci dorang.. sbb, masing2 ade right sendiri untuk suka, and untuk tak suka.. and masing2 gak ade minat sendiri.. So this is meaningless post i guess.. -blah-


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ~ Today .. I, officially have my own blog.. no i mean seriously.. for the first time.. haha.. so ni first post lah kiranya.. berdebar2 pulak rasanya.. ahaks .. hihi.. and.. nothing to say ~ hmm
Sebelum ni aku pernah la jugak ada blog.. dua lagi tu ^^ dengan tapi dua2 untuk science project punya.. haha, kalau nak usha2 lah.. banyak info gak ! so bye.